• Robert Dansaertlaan, 250 - 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden - Belgium

Group safety lockout kit, electrical focus with Zenex™ thermoplastic padlocks

The 1458E410 Personal Lockout Kit, Electrical, features high-use electrical lockout devices and six No. 410RED Zenex™ Thermoplastic padlocks, keyed different stored in a portable safety organizer carry case.

SKU: 1458E410 Category:

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Product description

The 1458E410 Personal Lockout Kit, Electrical, features high-use electrical lockout devices and six No. 410RED Zenex™ Thermoplastic padlocks, keyed different stored in a portable safety organizer carry case. The modular carry case with translucent storage compartments keeps important lockout devices and padlocks organized. Two storage organizers included, one with 4-18 compartments, the other with single compartment for bulky lockout devices.

  • Group Lockout Kit – Electrical – 1 x 1458 portable safety organizer kit containing:
  • 6 x 410RED Zenex™ padlocks, keyed different
  • 2 x 7C5RED circuit breaker padlocks
  • 1 x 420 lockout hasp
  • 1 x 427 labeled snap-on red lockout hasp
  • 1 x S806 adjustable cable lockout device
  • 1 x 487 small rotating electrical plug lockout device + 1 x 488 large rotating electrical plug lockout device
  • 2 x 491B Grip Tight™ circuit breaker lockout devices for tall or wide toggles
  • 2 x 496B universal wall switch lockout device
  • 2 x Bags (12/Pack) of 497A Danger Do Not Operate lockout tags
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